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India’s call for ‘climate justice’ can break the deadlock at Paris

India’s pivotal role: speaking for the late developers


Mukul Sanwal[1]


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Struggling with global climate change

The developing countries must take the lead just as they have done in the transformation to sustainable development


Mukul Sanwal[1]

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India’s leadership challenge in the climate negotiations


What countries will do at the national level is less important than the nature and scope of international cooperation




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Initial thoughts on the elements for a draft decision

Technical examination and periodic assessmentswith respect to “fairness” and “ambition” are at the heart of the climate regime and involve important trade-offs; even in the Convention, negotiated twenty four years ago, in 1992, assessment and review (Article 10) was the very last item to be agreed.


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The pope supports the principle of common but differentiated responsibility, stresses social and justice concerns

The Pope has said he hopes the document, entitled LautadoSii (Praised be),’On Care for Our Common Home’, will influence the UN conference on climate change in Paris this year. Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon praised the moral leadership being demonstrated by Pope Francis, also hoping that this leadership will prove influential, if not decisive, in the upcoming Paris climate talks in November this year.


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India should guide the world on fighting climate change

Moving sustainability from ideas to reality and regaining the leadership of developing countries




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Paradigm shift as a way out of the current impasse

Moving from emission reductions to energy use as the basis for international cooperation must now shape our approach to the climate negotiations


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Climate Politics : Stress is now on use and distribution, not just scarcity, of natural resources for a transformation

Mukul Sanwal[1]


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has now unequivocally stated that “the evidence suggests that outcomes seen as equitable can lead to more effective [international] cooperation”.


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Climate change: an opportunity for leadership by the BRICS


Compromises have to be made by all


Mukul Sanwal

